Friday, May 29, 2015

Driving Experience (and a look at my car)

The problem with owning a car this small, and powerless, is that you are lucky to propel yourself uphill on a cold day. Let alone, you and another passenger. The only other human to take a ride in this car with me to date has been my wife. She spent the entire ride grasping what she calls the "oh-sh*t bar" and praying that I wouldn't tip the thing over and kill her. I guess you could say she is not a fan. But a lot of people have asked me a lot of questions about the car and wondered what it's like to buzz around town.

Here is a walk-around of the car to give you an idea of what it looks like, etc.

And then if you want to know what it's like to power down the road (or more so, alleys) in this bad boy, here are some dashboard videos. Note: it's a rough ride (and sorry about the soundtrack)!

In the daylight!

In the EARLY morning!

Some warnings to anyone who might be considering buying one of these things:

  • On flat roads, you average around 24mph. Uphill? 11-15mph (depending on how cold it is).
  • When going down-hill, the car will prevent you from reach 33mph. At 32mph, it engine brakes and drags you back down to 24mph. Drats!
  • While it looks a little like an ATV, it's NOT built like one. You will feel every pothole. The suspension is less than average.
  • You cannot do wheelies or take this car on "sick jumps". Any attempt to do so will result in a big bump on your head.

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